
MyHealth, a locally developed Integrated Hospital Management Information System(IHMIS) is an exceptional Web based Electronic Medical Records System that offers a comprehensive range of integrated modules to optimize healthcare workflows. Its core modules include: Patient Registration and Triage, Clinical Consultation, Investigations, Pharmacy and Inventory and Supplies, providing a seamless and efficient healthcare experience. MyHealth stands out as a distinguished solution, leveraging advanced technologies to streamline medical record management.

The core modules of MyHealth

1. Through its Patient Registration and Triage module, MyHealth ensures a smooth and organized process for capturing patient information and prioritizing their needs. The Triage module plays a crucial role in capturing and managing patients’ vital signs, including blood pressure, temperature, height, and more. The module within MyHealth goes beyond basic vital sign measurement by providing a comprehensive platform for capturing and monitoring all vital signs during the triage process.

2. The Clinical Consultation module: is a highly advanced and comprehensive solution that empowers healthcare professionals in delivering exceptional patient care. With its enhanced features, this module offers an all-encompassing platform for capturing and managing crucial clinical information, resulting in improved diagnosis accuracy and streamlined treatment planning.

One of the standout features of the Clinical Consultation module is its ability to capture detailed clinical notes. It allows healthcare providers to efficiently document patient complaints and their medical history, providing a comprehensive overview of the patient’s condition. This feature enables doctors to have a holistic understanding of the patient’s health background, facilitating informed decision-making and personalized treatment plans

Furthermore, the Clinical Consultation module integrates the latest version of the International Classification of Diseases (ICD-11) for diagnosis purposes. This integration ensures that healthcare professionals have access to a robust and up-todate diagnostic coding system, enabling accurate and standardized classification ofdiseases and conditions. By utilizing ICD-11, doctors can improve communication,share consistent medical information, and enhance research capabilities.

Overall, the Clinical Consultation module within the IHMIS has revolutionized the waydoctors work. By offering features like clinical notes, comprehensive medicalexaminations, integrated ICD-11 for diagnoses, and a user-friendly prescriptionsystem, it enables healthcare professionals to provide superior care. This moduleoptimizes workflow efficiency, enhances accuracy in diagnosis and treatmentplanning, and ultimately improves patient outcomes. With IHMIS’s ClinicalConsultation module, doctors can focus on what they do best – delivering exceptionalhealthcare with confidence and ease

3. MyHealth’s Investigations module: stands as a robust and comprehensive solution formanaging laboratory and radiology operations, this integrate with the clinicalconsultation module to streamline and enable efficient tracking of investigations thusenhance the overall efficiency and quality of diagnostic services, contributing toimproved patient outcomes.

The Investigations moduleis a highly advanced and all-encompassing solutiondesigned specifically for effectively managing laboratory and radiology operations.By seamlessly integrating with the clinical consultation module, it offers astreamlined approach that enables efficient tracking of investigations. This integrationnot only improves the overall efficiency of diagnostic services but also enhances thequality of patient care, leading to superior patient outcomes.

4. The Pharmacy module in MyHealthserves as the final destination for patients duringtheir outpatient journey. It plays a pivotal role in supporting the dispensing ofprescriptions from the clinical consultations, ensuring a seamless and efficientmedication management process. However, its functionality extends beyond simpledispensing tasks, as it also effectively manages prescription refills for specificmedications, providing an enhanced experience for both patients and healthcareproviders.

In addition to the aforementioned core modules, MyHealth IHMIS offers a diverse range of additional modules that further enhance its capabilities, making it a truly comprehensive and powerful electronic medical records system.

5. Inpatient Module, which efficiently manages the admission process and bedallocation within the hospital. This module ensures seamless coordination betweendifferent departments, enabling smooth patient transitions and optimal resourceutilization.

6. Dashboard and Reports module: specifically designed to generate comprehensivereports in line with the standards set by the Ministry of Health (MOH). This featureprovides healthcare professionals with valuable insights and analytics, facilitatingdata-driven decision-making and enabling the monitoring of key performanceindicators.

7. The Cashier Module within MyHealth streamlines financial activities and paymentprocesses within the hospital. It manages billing operations, tracks payments, andensures accurate financial records. This module plays a vital role in maintaining thefinancial health of the institution.

8. The Management Dashboard module is a real-time reporting tool that provides aholistic view of the hospital’s operations. It allows administrators and managers tomonitor various aspects of the healthcare facility, ensuring effective resourceallocation, identifying bottlenecks, and facilitating proactive decision-making. Anytime, Anywhere, its accessible via the web.

9. Inventory and Supplies module, which handles the entire lifecycle of unit orders,starting from the main store to the end consumers. This module manages stock levels,tracks expiration dates, and facilitates stock forecasting, ensuring an uninterruptedsupply chain and efficient inventory management.

10. Lastly, MyHealth includes a module specifically designed for managing Donations. Thismodule streamlines the process of accepting, tracking, and managing donated items,ensuring proper utilization and transparent management of resources.

With these additional modules, MyHealth offers a robust and comprehensivesolution that addresses various aspects of healthcare management and overall effectiveness inoptimizing hospital operations, improving patient care, and ensuring efficient resourcemanagement.

Remember these are just part of what MyHealth can Deliver!!
For further Information, please call 0709 973 202, 0773 958 836 email info@iicstechnologies.com